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What if You and Your Dear Queer Body Were Friends?

Watch my FREE Masterclass, "How to Make Friends With Your Dear Queer Body, Feel Worthy of Love,
and Be at Peace With Who You Are... Even if There's Some Things You'd Like to Change ;)"

GAVRIEL GREEN™ is Here for You.

Alef Reiki™ Master
Certifiable Miracle Worker™
Creator of Body Feel Heard™
and Energetic Synthesis of Gavriel™

My Journey from Wrong to Strong

I was raised as an ultra-orthodox Jewish girl (and all the body shame that comes along with that). Add to that being trans, and you could imagine how self-conscious and uncomfortable I was in my body.

Even after I was ‘passing’ as male, I was still afraid to be authentically me because religious men were notorious for emasculating me once they'd find out.

At the same time, having to monitor everything I said, lest the truth slip out, was really stressful.

Besides, wasn’t the whole point of transitioning to be more me, to fully express my authentic self?

I thought I'd battle this conundrum forever- until one day I was doing a stream of consciousness journaling...

and I received this message which changed everything:

It said to never ever be ashamed of who I am. That my transness is my strength!

That’s when I realized all the things I hated about myself, the things I tried my hardest to hide, were actually my strengths; my greatest gift to share with the world.

The more I leaned into that, owned it, and trusted myself, the more my gifts unfolded... And with each session, me and my clients are still discovering my unique energy and my gifts (and how my energy and gifts contribute to them)...

Read the whole story in my short, free, and inspiring memoir, "What if I'm Not Wrong?? - One Transman's Journey From Wrong to Strong". Enjoy!

GAVRIEL GREEN™ 3 Pillars for Inhabiting Your Dear Queer Body

No Judging

Present, Nourishing Touch

Energy Work

No matter how screwed up you think you are, how much your life may suck, or how uncomfortable you are in your body ;)

To re-inhabit your body, reset your nervous system, and experience the
JOY of Embodiment

Allowance + Physical Touch
+ Energy

= Magic :)

Alef Reiki™

I send you good vibes while you sleep or go about your day

Energetic Synthesis of Gavriel™

Good vibes while we have an online "coaching" session